It is often said that when talking about the full armour of God in Ephesians 6, that there is no armour for you backside. The explanation I always hear is that we should never have to run from the enemy and leave ourselves exposed. True.... BUT, when you walk away IN FAITH and leave him in the dust standing behind, you have to prepare for the sneak attack. God had His thinking cap on (of course He did!)... and you can find our armour for our backside listed right here...
~Isaiah 58:8~ "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD WILL BE YOUR REAR GUARD."
This is directly tied to the "if" statement directly before it...
"[If you] Share your food with the hungry, take the poor and homeless into your house, and cover them with clothes when you see [them] naked. Don't refuse to help your relatives."
Your protection for those sneak attacks to your back is directly tied to your GIVING... The armour of God is there for our protection, but so many do not understand how we must APPLY the scriptures to our lives. SO many Christians go about their daily lives, suffer all kinds of calamities, but never bothered to read the instruction manual on how to fend off these attacks.
My 3 part teaching on the armour of God is available on CD or audio download from our website at ~ Kimberly Teacher/Pastor @ God's Healing Power Radio Ministry © . Kimberly Lemler Ministries, Inc.